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Sedans & Hatchbacks
  • Small Crossovers (CUVs)
  • Large Crossovers (SUVs)
  • Sports Cars
  • Silver Detailing Package

    This package is valid ONLY at Scarboro Mazda.

    Our detailing maintenance services at Scarboro Mazda are designed to restore the look of your vehicle, preserve its resale value, and protect its paint or interior. At Scarboro Mazda, we'll help you restore the look of your Mazda and keep it looking new for years to come.

    When you see your vehicle after it’s ready to leave our Detailing Centre, you will always be surprised and more than satisfied with the results. We can help you protect your paint as well as prepare your car for the upcoming winter season. Once spring returns, we will be able to thoroughly clean the body and cockpit as well.

    At Scarboro Mazda, we use only quality products and the latest detailing care technologies to ensure the quality of our work. At Scarboro Mazda, our maintenance packages will meet all your needs and help you save.

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    • Cleaning of tires and wheels
    • Complete meticulous hand wash and drying of vehicle exterior
    • Cleaning of door jambs along with trunk and hood seams
    • Dressing of tires


    • Vacuum carpeted floor areas and mats
    • Detailed cleaning of the dash, instrument panels and console
    • Cleaning of interior glass and mirror surfaces
    • Deodorize interior cabin

    Customers who wish to purchase this package must also schedule an appointment with the Service Department at Scarboro Mazda