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  • Service, Seasonal Tire Changeover

    When seasons change, so should your tires.

    Having tires specifically for the right season not only extends the life of the tires, but will ensure that you have the best traction on the road during the right conditions.

    Service Details

    • Remove of wheel assemblies off vehicle
    • Separate tires from wheels
    • Mount opposite seasonal tires onto wheels
    • Balance wheel assemblies
    • Reinstall wheel assemblies back onto vehicle

    A Wheel Assembly is defined as a wheel that is mounted onto a tire.

    Valid only at Scarboro Mazda.

    If your seasonal set is pre-mounted onto another set of wheels, please see "Seasonal Tire Swap".

    Why should you change to Winter Tires?

    The rubber used for winter tires works best at 7°C or below

    Winter tires are made from a softer rubber compound compared to summer or even all-season tires. Harder rubber compounds get even harder in cold temperatures, so they lose their traction and ability to ‘stick’ to the pavement (which also hardens considerably in the cold). The magic number where winter tires grip better than all-seasons is, you guessed it, 7 degrees Celsius. Below that temperature, summer tires are basically frozen pucks on the ice, while winter tires are cleats on boots.

    Why should you change to All-Season or Summer Tires?

    The rubber used for all-season and summer tires work best above 7°C

    Driving on winter tires when the temperatures begin to rise can be destructive to them. Winter tires are designed to perform best during colder temperatures, not when the asphalt is baked from the summer sun. It’s not only unsafe, but it will also cause the winter tires to degrade faster. Therefore, it’s imperative to change back to your all-season or dedicated summer tires at the right time.

    • Mounting
      Your four wheels and tires will be mounted together, and appropriate tire pressures will be set
    • Balancing
      With the aid of a balancing machine, heavy section(s) of the tire will be located and wheel weights are attached to on the opposite side to compensate
    • Installation onto Vehicle
      Your new wheel & tire package will be installed onto your vehicle 

    Properly balanced wheel assemblies will help you enjoy the roads more, with less vibrations along the way! This will also help prolong the life of your tires, ensuring that they wear evenly. 

    If you are getting a new set of wheels and/or tires, our experts are ready to get your car rolling!